Monday, June 2, 2008

Black Pearl: Individuation

Today, I am struck by how the black pearl could suggest the individuation process which starts in chaos and confusion (black) and through our spirits separates into the four:  upper and lower, feminine and masculine.  This involves a wedding of sorts, and parallels the alchemical process of turning metals into gold.  Jung has likened the alchemical scientists to early psychologists although that was not a conscious awareness on their parts.  He feels that they were projecting the individuation process onto their chemical work.  
Heraclitus suggested four colors which were reduced to three in the 15th or 16th century (see Jung, vol.14, para. 333.  In paragraph 334, Jung compares the individuation process as moving from the black to white as a moon condition which then arises to sunrise (red).  I know this is becoming somewhat academic, but I want to share the depth and richness of just one image from my dreams.
I have been wanting to find themes and patterns in my dreams for several years, but I have not tackled the research necessary to do that until now.  I am very excited.  
Tomorrow, I want to explore the black pearl and the moon.

1 comment:

onthepath said...

Can you say something more about "the four"? .. .... "and through our spirits, etc." I don't understand what upper and lower refers to. There are things that I don't get I'm assuming because of my not having studied Jung. It is very cool that you feel so excited.