Sunday, June 15, 2008

More rhythm

Jung in Symbols of Transformation talks about psychic energy and posits that the first evidence of psychic energy is in the rhythms of the baby when he or she wiggles their arms and legs.  Also the rhythm of their first words:  mamama or dadada and the like.  And...Marie Louise von Franz in her book:  Psyche and Matter addresses the rhythm of time and how that introduces the concept of number.  On p. 71, she states that" time and space are inseparably connected and form a four-dimensional continuum"..."a return to the age old primitive intuition whereby for instance, the Aztec god Omoteotl, with the four Tetzcatlipocas in the four corners of space, created space and time simultaneously.  
We have circular time (our clocks) and linear time (days, months, etc.)  These methods of telling time have developed out of the tides, phases of the moon, and the movement of the earth around the sun.  
It is interesting to me that many of the primitive person's intuitions have now been confirmed by our advanced technology and advanced ability to discern and differentiate concepts through our thinking:  through our separation from the original oneness.
So we begin in oneness, then differentiate to a very sophisticated perspective and once again return to oneness.  Hummmm


onthepath said...

Just so you know, I'm reading, always, just don't always have a comment.

linesandcircles said...

Ya, reminds me of that T.S. Eliot quote about "after all our searching" we come round to the beginning "only to recognize it for the first time." Only maybe our evolution is a continuous process of this? With each roundabout a deeper understanding/wisdom???