Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holding the tension of the opposites

This morning, I am thinking of opposites such as black pearl which was a symbol which came up in a recent dream of mine.  I have been researching the various references to pearl in Jung's many volumes, and next I want to see how black fits in.  One of the challenges that Jung proposes is that our job as human beings to hold the tension of the opposites:  that means for me right now to hold the tension of black with the beauty and purity of the pearl.  I am open to comments from you readers about what you think.  However let me hint that black refers to the feminine and earth and mystery and the unconscious so I have to find the pearl hidden in the earth, the feminine, and how to understand the mystery of the "black pearl".  
Today I feel a deeper commitment to my dreams: instead of just taking them at face value, I want to elaborate the richness of the symbols that appear in them.  So research is in order, and right now I feel excited about doing just that.  It feels like the next step in taking my dream life seriously, and it also feels like the beginning of finding links between dreams.
It has been a challenge to move from an outer-directed person to an inner-directed person, and today it feels like it fits me more than usual.

1 comment:

onthepath said...

My first thought is just about pearl. Pearls are something precious that originate from something irritating. And now I'm thinking about black - - it makes me think about your alchemical dreams long ago with the cauldron. I hope you will let us know where this dream leads you.