Tuesday, July 22, 2008


A new opposite is coming into view.  I realize that when my children are here with their children, I space out on my own interests, and feel that I have to put my life aside.  That is pretty true because there is so much going on.  However I realize this morning that having my life and living with theirs is not either/or, and that I can balance both with side-by-side attention.  Hopefully that will allow time for both in the future.  Actually, each afternoon, we all had quiet time while the little one was sleeping.  There was time for me to transition to my own interests which I was able to do.  

1 comment:

Jed said...

i like this entry. I feel the same way. when my father was dying i had to make time for him in my life but not forget about me and my focus. this way when he left this physical world I wouldn't find myself stranded on an island of 'other'. It's a hard balance. because we do not want to be arrogant. but it is necessary to focus on 'the self' because if you are ignorant of your own being then negativity and anger grown within and can spread to others through the unconscious. An element of maturity must be the ability to focus on the self but share with others at the same time.