Monday, July 14, 2008


I am back reflecting on the opposites.  I have been reading about the Red Sun which came into a recent dream.  In doing so, I discover that sun and moon, or man and woman are the greatest opposites to ponder.  Sol (masculine) and Luna (feminine).  I am aware that my definitions of masculine and feminine have changed considerably since I have been dreaming and studying Jung. I believe I have expanded their meanings to include far more than I did when I was growing up in the fifties and most everything was pretty fixed:  women were like June Cleaver and men were like John Wayne.  Pretty stilted, don't you think.  Anyway, I like to consider powerful women and thoughtful men, and I hope to consolidate those characteristics in myself:  to become more of both.  Is the ultimate reconciliation between man and woman.  The alchemists seemed to think so.  There are always two sides to every situation:  nothing is either good or bad.  Thoughts to ponder on since much of conscious life is dictated by right and wrong. 

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