Thursday, February 26, 2009

Much ado about nothing yielded something

After I posted yesterday, I actually wrote some.  Putting into place a background to understand what I am trying to say is at least a start.  I may never use any of what I am writing now, but at least I am getting my fingers to work on the computer and words are coming out.  I am reminded once again of the process of writing and that to just get into the "frame" is a step toward to task of writing.  So I think, writing the blog yesterday got my fingers ready to do some more serious writing after I closed my post down.  How about that.  


Sherry said...

I say yay!

linesandcircles said...

Ditto...on the writing mode. 2 me, it's like a large part of it is just reaquainting myself with myself the writer, against all odds, internal(ized) & external against me.

(mostly internal)