Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today I am focused on rhythm.  I had a dream in which a young boy was rocking in a window ledge.  And the rocking sensation touched a place of how we can put ourselves into a trance by performing a rhythmic movement.  This has happened forever:  we did it as little babies, as young children, and still do it today.  Notice it in yourself.  Native Americans have many ways of creating rhythms through drumming, dancing, or any repetitive movement which transfers energy from our bodies to mother earth.
And...then there is the rhythm of our lives, our dreams, and how those interact.  Our daily lives have a rhythm of their own which most often we do without being aware.  And certainly our dreams have their own rhythm which if we look at and study reveals some interesting patterns.  As I have been recording my dreams, I am seeing some dreams now that reflect earlier dreams that I could not understand.  In other words, I am seeing patterns and rhythms.  These rhythms may be the order than underlies the disorder in most of our activities:  at a deep level, I mean.  More to contemplate.  It also leaves room for the possibility of synchronicity.


onthepath said...

This makes me think about something that William Emerson talks about. He teaches/has experienced there being 3 different biological waves or rhythms in the body. Each set has a different frequency with the longest one, at 55 seconds, being the one where you tap into healing. You can especially feel these in infants (I'm assuming, before all the dysregulation that occurs to our physiology has really set in.) Where your thoughts are today reminds me of this - - all the ways we can access the healing rhythm. The beat goes on . . . .

trueerror said...

Wow. You are on it. Your comment came in about the same time I posted. Thanks for your comments, and for your devotion and support. Indeed, the beat goes on.