Friday, June 20, 2008


Pat and I are planning our flyer for our dream group:  actually, Pat is looking up quotes on dreams and I am sometimes helping her.  We are going to advertise in The Door Opener, so she is looking for appropriate quotes.  It makes me feel my excitement about dreams once more.  I stand amazed at how much is revealed in our dreams, and of course, I circle around that excitement off and on throughout the days, weeks, and etc.  
I have not dreamed in the last few nights, and I guess that is because Pat and I have been reading Jung's Seminar in Dream Analysis over the past month.  What a brilliant man that Jung is!  Anyway with my studying and working through the images in my dreams of late, my dream life has slowed down so I can catch up with all the images and symbols.
It feels so important to me to carefully work with our dreams for we have no other objective view of our lives, the purpose of our lives, and how to go about developing a relationship to God, if you will.  Indeed, what could be more important for the second half of our life after we have created all our ego would ever need:  then we can work on our relationship to God and of course the end of this life as we know it.

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