Monday, June 30, 2008

Our comings and goings to and from ourselves

I am currently visiting in Los Angeles so my posting has been slack.  However I want to share a quote from Mary Louise von Franz, who talks about the objective psyche and how we come and go in relationship to it.  She talks about how we can become compartmentalized and believe we are truly committed to the unconscious and then all of a sudden, we don't believe anymore.  Yes, it is the same person who feels both these things.  What an amazing complicated system we are:  one day committed to the objective psyche, our dreams, and the messages we get from them and then suddenly we don't remember our commitment and we are off and running "away".  I guess we could say that we are each on our journey which draws us closer to ourselves and then further away from ourselves.  No wonder, we take several lifetimes to get to center.  Any comments will be appreciated.

1 comment:

onthepath said...

Several you say? How optimistic you are :-). What she describes fits with all systems, don't you think? If I think it from the nervous system, we can operate from a resilient, centered-feeling place and then run into a trigger place in our system where our body takes off into a stored "trauma vortex" - - an incomplete response to threat or stress, which has been stored and symptomatically opens into the charge that hasn't discharged yet (for the various reasons things get bound or stored rather than released). We suddenly find our self on a different track than the train we were on the moments before. Both exist within the same system. Complete and incomplete and the gray areas in between as well. Hello all you west coast Angels!