Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Over the last several weeks, I have been dreaming of music first coming from deep layers in the earth, then in the trees, streams, mountains, and finally the clouds. Each one of the dreams calmed me considerably, and I remember that Bernadette Roberts, after meditating for many years discovered a smile on her heart. It felt like that to me: that after much work on my psyche, I discovered the in reality, there is music everywhere. Perhaps that is the real reality; not the ordinary reality that we so often get caught up in.
I feel blessed.
When I get caught up in the concerns of my ego, I remember that the world is full of song if anyone, especially me, is listening. I have been listening more closely these days to what is being said by others.

1 comment:

onthepath said...

Very cool. The frequencies of the vibration of all things are sound, too. Maybe deafness helps in hearing it.