Monday, March 2, 2009

What's a mother to do.

I had a dream in which my two children were in their rooms working out diagnostic themes on old typewriters.  I could hear them tapping their keys as they came upon new awarenesses in their developing schemes.  It reminds me of one of my constant lessons:  sealing the vessel.  Over the last couple of days, I have had some mis-understandings and communications with my daughter, and I wondered if this dream had some messages for me about that.  For example, when I offer support and that is misunderstood as criticism, perhaps I am to seal my vessel and not offer support in the ways I often do.  Perhaps there are some supportive statements that actually carry criticism in them:  instead of having faith in my children that they will find their way through hard times, I may be trying to save them from the hard time, and in so doing, hinder their progress through my own lack of faith.  Truth be told, we are each to find our own way on our path without the "helpful" advice from a mother who may not be able to stand her child's pain.  


Sherry said...

What a great awareness for you to share. A lesson that can come in loud and clear in particular with our children. But perhaps a lesson for us with all important people in our lives (and maybe some that aren't so important other than that they provide a mirror).

trueerror said...

Thanks for sharing. Truth is that it helps to get feedback rather than sending these thoughts out and then they land in a black hole.

linesandcircles said...

Thank you 4 that. It's a hard lesson I've been coming to terms with 2--that part of real love is letting go of trying 2 hard 2 help and just feeling empathetically instead. Also, I think trying to help can be a way we try to affirm our own beliefs, which can be partly selfish. It's like trying 2 hard 2 do the right thing. It might be right, but the pressure can be wrong...or pressuring.