Thursday, May 29, 2008

Black Pearl

I posted a picture of me today to further my awkwardness and I feel shy.  I am trying to upgrade my site to become more available to whatever audience I have.  I am also trying to include some links to other sites you might find interesting.  I am still doing research on the black pearl.  Most of what I am reading energizes my interest in what this dream is all about.  What I have discovered so far is that a black pearl really does exist.   They come from Tahiti, and they do not really look black to me:  they look more iridescent to me.  
Black refers to the beginning of existence where everything is chaos and there is no one individual.  So black refers to the initial phase of development, psychologically.  Pearl might refer to the stone hidden in the blackness.  For Jung, the stone is the goal of development when we have developed a solid center from which to live.
Anyway, so far so good, and more to come.  In this dream of the black pearl, I was on a sail boat outside of Vancouver, and there were ten black pearls in a bowl which was floating along side the boat.

1 comment:

pattherapist said...

This is a beautiful dream. As you know I can't begin to work with it as Jung would - and if earlier dreams have shown a theme or an evolving message about the facts of your life and what you are supposed to become conscious of so that you can keep heading in the "right" direction in your individuation process - I don't know that either. I would like to see a drawing - just to meditate on the images.

I had a dream about six months ago in which I was sailing in a stiff wind and saw a small white hippopotamus that I scooped up out of the ocean.
There are some similarities - should you pick up the bowl of pearls out of the ocean?

feeling a little lost today - Pat